
A thrombosis is the obstruction of a blood vessel caused by a blood clot (thrombus). It usually affects the deep venous system (deep veins) of the lower extremities.
In a thrombosis, the typical symptoms are pain and inflammation of the calf or thigh, depending on where the clot settles.

If there is suspicion of thrombosis, the doctor should confirm the diagnosis using an imaging method. The success of the treatment depends to a large extent on the early establishment of the treatment, therefore, these tests should be done as soon as possible.

For the diagnosis of thrombosis, the first imaging test used is ultrasound, as it is a non-aggressive test. For more complex cases or when doubts exist, a test with radiological contrast is injected into the veins of the affected limb (phlebography). To remove the clot, the patient receives anticoagulant drugs (heparin). In addition, a compression bandage along the entire limb (leg or arm).